
year type selected
2024 Journal Climate change impacts on livestock in Brazil
Nicole C. R. Ferreira, Rafaella Resende Andrade, Leonardo N. Ferreira
International Journal of Biometeorology

2024 Journal From Time Series to Networks in R with the ts2net Package
Leonardo N. Ferreira
Applied Network Science

2023 Journal Projections of severe weather and the impacts on transmission line towers in Santa Catarina, Brazil, under future scenarios of global climate change
Nicole C. R. Ferreira, Priscila S. Tavares, Gustavo S. Medeiros, Leonardo N. Ferreira, Pablo Borges, Sin Chan Chou, Maria Laura Rodrigues

2023 Journal Nonlinear and periodic dynamics of chaotic hydro-thermal process of Skokomish river
Heikki Ruskeepää, Leonardo N. Ferreira, Mohammad Ali Ghorbani, Ercan Kahya, Golmar Golmohammadi and Vahid Karimi
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

2023 Journal Editorial: Integrating physical and social sciences towards the sustainable development goals
Leonardo B. L. Santos, Tathiane M. Anazawa, Leonardo N. Ferreira and Vander L. S. Freitas
Frontiers in Physics

2022 Preprint Assessing the epidemic impact of protests during the COVID-19 pandemic
Inho Hong, Leonardo N. Ferreira, Alex Rutherford, Manuel Cebrian
2021 Journal The small-world network of global protests
Leonardo N. Ferreira, Inho Hong, Alex Rutherford and Manuel Cebrian
Scientific Reports

2021 Journal The Effect of Time Series Distance Functions on Functional Climate Networks
Leonardo N. Ferreira, Nicole C. R. Ferreira, Elbert E. N. Macau, Reik V. Donner
The European Physical Journal Special Topics

2020 Journal Evaluation of database balancing techniques for road accident severity classification employing Artificial Neural Network
Maria Lígia Chuerubim, Leonardo N. Ferreira, Alan D.B. Valejo, Bárbara Stolte Bezerra, Giuliano Sant'Anna Marotta, Irineu da Silva

2020 Conference Dynamic Community Detection into Analyzing of Wildfires Events
Alessandra M. M. M. Gouvêa, Didier A Vega-Oliveros, Moshé Cotacallapa, Leonardo N Ferreira, Elbert EN Macau, Marcos G Quiles
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2020)

2020 Journal Spatiotemporal data analysis with chronological networks
Leonardo N Ferreira, Didier A Vega-Oliveros, Moshe Cotacallapa, Manoel F. Cardoso, Marcos G. Quiles, Liang Zhao, Elbert E. N. Macau
Nature Communications

2020 Conference Measuring the engagement level in encrypted group conversations by using temporal networks
Moshe Cotacallapa, Lilian Berton, Leonardo N Ferreira, Marcos G Quiles, Liang Zhao, Elbert EN Macau, Didier A Vega-Oliveros
The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

2019 Journal Global Fire Season Severity Analysis and Forecasting
Leonardo N. Ferreira, Didier A. Vega-Oliveros, Liang Zhao, Manoel F. Cardoso, Elbert E. N. Macau
Computers & Geosciences

2019 Conference From spatio-temporal data to chronological networks: An application to wildfire analysis
Didier A. Vega-Oliveros, Moshé Cotacallapa, Leonardo N. Ferreira, Marcos Quiles, Liang Zhao, Elbert E. N. Macau, Manoel F. Cardoso
The 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)

2017 Journal Long-range correlations and fractal dynamics in C. elegans: changes with aging and stress
Luiz G. A. Alves, Peter B. Winter, Leonardo N. Ferreira, Renée M. Brielmann, Richard I. Morimoto, Luís A. N. Amaral
Physical Review E

2016 Journal Time series clustering via community detection in networks
Leonardo N. Ferreira and Liang Zhao
Information Sciences

2015 Conference A Time Series Clustering Technique based on Community Detection in Networks
Leonardo N. Ferreira and Liang Zhao
INNS Conference on Big Data (INNS-BigData)

2015 Conference Detecting Time Series Periodicity Using Complex Networks
Leonardo N. Ferreira and Liang Zhao
Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS)

2012 Conference QK-Means: A clustering technique based on community detection and K-Means for deployment of cluster head nodes
Leonardo N. Ferreira, Alex S. R. Pinto, Liang Zhao
The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)